Free Books in the Public Domain

Free Books in the Public Domain

  Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote is thought to be the most popular novel in history with an estimated 500,000,000 copies sold.  That’s right, one half billion. More than double the number of the number two best seller, A Tale of Two Cities, which comes in at 200,000,000.  Of course, you can…

Reports, Studies, and Research Papers

Reports, Studies, Research Papers, and links to some Tickers even Images of the James Webb Telescope are in the public domain. The images of the James Webb Space Telescope are all in the public domain.  The first images were released on July 12, 2022.  Images are now available continuously on the Webb Telescope Image Gallery. …

Writers’ Sites and Kirk’s Top 10 Books

  Current Writers’ Sites Lionel Shriver Shriver’s best-known work is the 2003 book We Need to Talk about Kevin, featuring a school shooting.  It won the international Orange Prize for Fiction.  Shriver called it her make or break novel, given her lack of success to that point.  My favorite (and I think her most important)…

Reading Resources

Reading Resources

Reading Resources You Read It Here curates content available on other platforms.  Readers are encouraged to visit these platforms to search for materials of interest to them.   The most important resources are not listed “in order.”  I shuffle the listing, often leading with new resources.  Your local library and Project Gutenberg will always be your…

Short Fiction

Summer Reading Recommendations

  Favorite and Recommended “Summer Reads” I’m developing a list of favorite and recommended summer reads.  These books do not have to be in the public domain, in fact, none are, so far.  My criteria are that the book has to be enjoyable, not too long, not too challenging, not too scary, and more likely…